
Crested Gecko Mouth Rot: Signs, Causes, Care & Treatment

Crested gecko mouth rot, also known as infectious stomatitis, is a bacterial infection that affects the outer edges of a crested gecko’s mouth. This condition is identifiable by the presence of yellow pus around the gecko’s mouth, which can be an alarming sight for pet owners.

If not addressed promptly, mouth rot can lead to serious health issues and even death for your crested gecko.

The primary causes of mouth rot are poor husbandry, stress, and a weakened immune system.

The Impact of Mouth Rot on A Crested Gecko’s Health

Mouth rot has a significant impact on a crested gecko’s health. Just like we mentioned earlier, this infection is caused by bacteria, most commonly Aeromonas and Pseudomonas spp., which leads to inflammation in the mouth. This inflammation not only causes discomfort for the gecko but can also affect their ability to eat properly. As a result, their health and immune system can suffer.

If left untreated, mouth rot can spread from the mouth to other areas, including the teeth, throat, and other parts of the head. This progression can lead to severe health issues and even prove fatal for your beloved pet. That’s why it’s essential not to ignore any unusual signs or symptoms around your crested gecko’s mouth.

Signs of Crested Gecko Mouth Rot


We have divided the crested gecko mouth rot symptoms into two groups i.e. early and advanced

The difference between the early symptoms and advanced symptoms of crested gecko mouth rot lies in the severity and progression of the condition:

Early Symptoms of Mouth Rot in Crested Geckos

These are the initial signs that indicate the possible development of mouth rot in crested geckos. At this stage, the infection may not have fully set in, and the symptoms are relatively mild.

  1. Swelling: One of the first signs of mouth rot in crested geckos is swelling around the mouth or jaw. Keep an eye on your gecko’s mouth to spot any noticeable changes in size or shape.
  2. Redness: Another early symptom is redness or inflammation around the mouth area. If you notice your gecko’s mouth looking redder than usual, it could be an indication of mouth rot starting to develop.
  3. Excess Saliva: When crested geckos develop mouth rot, they may produce more saliva than usual. If you see your gecko drooling or notice wetness around its mouth, it’s time to take a closer look.

Advanced Symptoms of Mouth Rot in Crested Geckos

As the mouth rot progresses and the infection becomes more severe, the symptoms become more pronounced and potentially harmful to the gecko’s health.

  1. Pus: As mouth rot progresses, pus may start to accumulate in and around the mouth. This thick, yellowish discharge is a telltale sign that your gecko needs immediate attention.
  2. Bleeding: In more severe cases, your crested gecko’s mouth might start to bleed. This could be a result of the infection damaging the soft tissues or due to your gecko biting or rubbing its mouth on objects.
  3. Odorous Breath: A foul smell coming from your gecko’s mouth is another indication of advanced mouth rot. This odorous breath is caused by the bacterial infection and is a clear sign that your gecko needs treatment.

Causes of Mouth Rot in Crested Geckos

Mouth rot infections in crested geckos are typically caused by bacteria that are naturally present in their oral cavity. However, certain bacteria found in the gecko’s environment can also lead to the development of this condition.

The infection can develop because of the following main causes.

1. Poor Hygiene and Unclean Living Conditions

Crested geckos are sensitive to their environment, and maintaining proper hygiene is crucial for their well-being. A dirty enclosure can harbor harmful bacteria, which can eventually lead to mouth rot.

To prevent this, it’s essential to clean your gecko’s enclosure regularly, remove waste promptly, and sanitize the habitat at least once a month.

2. Improper Diet and Nutrition

Proper nutrition plays a significant role in your crested gecko’s overall health, including oral health. Feeding your gecko an imbalanced diet can result in a weakened immune system, making them more susceptible to mouth rot.

Ensure you provide a well-balanced diet that includes high-quality commercial crested gecko food, along with occasional treats like insects and fruit.

3. Stress and a Weakened Immune System

Stress can negatively impact your crested gecko’s immune system, making it more challenging for them to fight off infections, including mouth rot. Common causes of stress include improper temperature and humidity levels, inadequate hiding spots, and excessive handling.

Monitor your gecko’s behavior and living conditions to minimize stressors and keep their immune system strong.

4. Injuries or Infections

Sometimes, mouth rot can result from injuries, such as cuts or abrasions inside the mouth, or from other infections. When your gecko is injured or has an existing infection, harmful bacteria can easily enter and multiply, leading to mouth rot.

Regularly check your gecko for signs of injury and consult with a reptile veterinarian if you suspect any health issues.

5. Substrate

Chewing on a poor substrate, such as coconut fibre, can potentially induce infection and mouth rot.

Select a suitable substrate, such as paper towels or newspapers, because chewing on bedding/material substrate or coconut fibres might induce mouth rot.

Treating Crested Gecko Mouth Rot

mouth rot crested gecko

When it comes to treating mouth rot in our beloved pets, prompt action is key. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to help your crested gecko recover from mouth rot.

1. Consult a Reptile Veterinarian

As soon as you notice any signs of mouth rot, it’s essential to schedule an appointment with a qualified reptile vet. They’ll be able to accurately diagnose the issue and prescribe the appropriate treatment plan tailored for your gecko’s specific needs.

2. Home Care and Treatment Options

While it’s crucial to follow your vet’s recommendations, there are a few home care options that can support your gecko’s recovery. Keeping their enclosure clean and maintaining the right temperature and humidity levels are vital to creating a healthy environment for healing.

You can also gently clean the affected area with a cotton swab dipped in saline solution or chlorhexidine (as directed by your vet) to help prevent further infection.

3. Follow the Vet’s Advice and Prescribed Treatment Plan

Your vet may prescribe oral antibiotics, antifungal medications, or topical treatments for your gecko. It’s crucial to administer these medications exactly as directed and complete the full course of treatment to ensure the best possible outcome. Remember, consistency is key!

4. Monitor Progress and Signs of Recovery

Keep a close eye on your crested gecko during their treatment period. Watch for improvements in their appetite, energy levels, and overall demeanor, as well as a decrease in inflammation and discharge around their mouth.

If you notice any worsening symptoms or if your gecko isn’t responding well to treatment, don’t hesitate to contact your vet for further guidance.

Preventing Mouth Rot in Crested Geckos

The best way to combat mouth rot in crested geckos is by preventing it before it even becomes a problem. This is achieved by following crested gecko care best practices.

1. Maintain Proper Enclosure Cleanliness

First things first, a clean environment is crucial for preventing mouth rot. Make sure to clean your gecko’s enclosure regularly, removing any waste, uneaten food, or shed skin. I recommend spot-cleaning daily and doing a thorough deep-clean once a month.

Don’t forget to sanitize the enclosure, including hides, branches, and other accessories, with a reptile-safe disinfectant to eliminate any bacteria.

2. Offer a Balanced Diet with Appropriate Supplementation

Feeding your crested gecko a well-rounded diet is essential to keep them healthy and prevent mouth rot. I’ve found that a mix of high-quality commercial crested gecko food, supplemented with occasional insects like crickets or dubia roaches, works wonders.

Make sure to dust the insects with a calcium supplement containing vitamin D3 to support healthy bones and teeth. Providing the right nutrients will boost your gecko’s immune system and help them ward off infections.

3. Reduce Stress through Ideal Habitat Conditions

Stress can weaken your gecko’s immune system, making them more susceptible to mouth rot. To minimize stress, create a comfortable habitat that mimics their natural environment. Maintain proper temperature (72-78°F) and humidity (50-70%) levels, offer plenty of hiding spots, and include climbing structures for your gecko to explore.

Also, avoid handling your gecko excessively, especially if they’re showing signs of stress.

4. Regular Health Checks for Early Detection

Lastly, keeping an eye on your crested gecko’s health is essential in preventing mouth rot. I recommend conducting a routine health check every month to spot any signs of illness or infection early on. Gently examine your gecko’s mouth, looking for any redness, swelling, or discharge.

If you notice any of these symptoms, consult a reptile veterinarian for advice on appropriate treatment.

By following these preventive measures, you’ll create a safe and nurturing environment for your crested gecko, reducing the risk of mouth rot and other health issues. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, so take the time to care for your gecko’s needs, and they’ll thrive under your watchful eye!


Mouth rot is a serious and common condition that affects many reptiles, including crested geckos. It is caused by a bacterial infection that inflames the mouth tissues and produces pus. If left untreated, it can spread to other organs and cause severe complications or even death. Therefore, it is important to prevent mouth rot by providing your crested gecko with a clean and stress-free environment, a balanced diet, and regular check-ups. If you notice any signs of mouth rot, such as yellow or brown pus, swollen gums, loss of appetite, or difficulty breathing, you should take your crested gecko to a vet as soon as possible. The vet will diagnose the condition and prescribe antibiotics and oral cleaning. With proper care and treatment, your crested gecko can recover from mouth rot and live a healthy and happy life.

Filled under: Lizards

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