
Bearded Dragon Poop: Everything Things You Should Know

As a bearded dragon owner, it’s essential to understand the significance of their poop. The condition of their poop can reveal a lot about their overall health and help you catch any potential health issues before they become severe.

However, it’s not as straightforward as it may seem. Bearded dragon poop can come in various sizes, shapes, and colors. In fact, there are seven different types of bearded dragon poop.

Healthy bearded dragon poop is typically brown and white, but it may also be watery, runny, bloody, or yellow. It’s crucial to know what healthy poop looks like and to be aware of any changes.

The color, texture, and frequency of discharge are all vital indicators of their health. Although it may not be the most pleasant topic, keeping an eye on your bearded dragon’s feces is one of the best ways to monitor their health.

If you want to learn more about the ideal frequency of poop, what it should look like, and how to encourage your bearded dragon to poop, keep reading!

How Often Should a Bearded Dragon Poop?

Bearded dragons are known to poop at least once a week, but some can poop up to seven times a week. The frequency of their poop can be influenced by factors such as their diet, age, hydration, environment, and stress levels.

For example, if your bearded dragon is eating lots of calcium-rich foods like silkworms, they may poop more often. This is especially common in babies and juveniles who need a protein-based diet. On the other hand, if they are on a vegetable diet, they may poop less.

The age of the bearded dragon also affects their poop schedule.

  • Babies may poop up to three times a day
  • Juveniles once every other day
  • Adults once to seven times a week.

Illness can also play a role in their poop frequency, for example, parasitic infections can cause either more frequent or less frequent pooping.

Stress and environmental factors can also affect a bearded dragon’s poop schedule. If you notice that your bearded dragon is pooping less, it may be because they are stressed. This can be due to factors such as tank relocation, loud noises, changes in their habitat, and excessive moisture. Try to identify and eliminate the source of their stress to help improve their poop schedule.

Additionally, fluctuations in UVB light levels can interfere with their digestion and cause inconsistent pooping.

What Should Bearded Dragon Poop Look Like?

Your bearded dragon’s poop should be brown with white urate. If your pet is healthy, its poop will be brown, firm, and log-shaped. The white or yellow urate is usually found at the end of the poop and should be soft and not have a bad odor.

Bearded dragons do not urinate like other animals. Instead, they release urate, a type of uric acid paste, to get rid of nitrogen waste in their bodies while conserving water.

Sometimes, changes in the color of the poop are normal and nothing to worry about. However, if you see changes in the consistency, odor, or amount of poop, along with other symptoms like lethargy and loss of appetite, it may be a cause for concern and you should check for possible causes.

Normal Bearded Dragon Poop

The poop of a healthy bearded dragon is a combination of brown and white. The brown part should be shaped like a log, while the white part should be found on the sides or at the end of the brown part.

Since bearded dragons don’t really pee, having a bowel movement is basically the same as pooping and peeing at the same time. So, when your bearded dragon goes to the bathroom, you should see both poop and urate together. If the poop of your beardie looks like this, then your pet is healthy. This is the color and consistency that you should aim for when it comes to your pet’s poop.

Abnormal Bearded Dragon Poop

Check out the explanations for some of the other colors below. From red bearded dragon poop to green and even yellow bearded dragon poop, keep reading to learn more about unusual bearded dragon poop colors…

1. Bearded Dragon Green Poop 

Eating green leafy vegetables can sometimes cause your bearded dragon’s poop to turn green, which is completely normal.

Although bearded dragon green poop may appear concerning, as long as the urates are white and the poop isn’t extremely runny or stinks to high heavens, this is most likely nothing to be concerned about.

However, if you notice any changes in your bearded dragon’s behavior or if the green poop has a foul odor and is runny, it could be a sign of a health issue like liver disease, anorexia, or hemolytic anemia. In such cases, it’s best to reach out to a vet for a checkup.

2. Bearded Dragon Yellow Poop

If you notice your bearded dragon’s poop is yellow, it may be a result of too much calcium in their diet. This can lead to bowel problems, organ damage, and eventually liver disease.

The amount of calcium your bearded dragon needs depends on their age:

  • Hatchlings should have a calcium supplement every day,
  • Juveniles every other day
  • Adults at least once a week.

To reduce calcium intake, first make sure their UVB light is not covering the entire length of their tank. This allows them to move in and out of the light as they need it. UVB light helps them produce vitamin D, which promotes the absorption of calcium. Too much calcium and excessive UVB exposure are harmful to their health.

If the light is not an issue, consider their diet. Bearded dragons get calcium from certain foods like kale and watercress, as well as dusting their food with calcium powder. High calcium foods and supplements can cause yellow poop. Depending on their age, you can try removing the calcium supplement for a few days to a week.

Yellow Substance That Is Not Poop

If you notice yellow substances coming from your female bearded dragon, it might be an infertile egg being excreted. Don’t try to pull it out. In males, a yellow substance can be seminal plug. It’s usually yellow and has a stringy texture. To help with this issue, you can give your dragon a bath and gently massage the area

3. Bearded Dragon Black Poop

Black poop in bearded dragons can occur when they eat too many insects and not enough vegetables. To keep your pet healthy, it’s important to include chopped plants and vegetables in their diet. Adult bearded dragons should eat plant materials two to three times a week.

If your bearded dragon is eating enough leafy greens and still has black stool, it may be time to take a stool sample to the vet. This could be a sign of impaction, which is a blocked bowel movement that can lead to tears, internal bleeding, and severe constipation.

Watery black stool that has a foul odor may also be a sign of a parasitic infection. It’s important to keep an eye on your pet’s waste and take them to the vet if you notice any concerning changes.

Finally, it’s worth noting that fecal waste in a bearded dragon’s environment will naturally darken over time, so don’t be alarmed if you see this happen.

4. Bearded Dragon White Poop

A chalky white poop is a sign that your bearded dragon is dehydrated. Along with a chalky white poop, if you also notice string-like saliva, it’s a mild case of dehydration.

Don’t worry, mild dehydration is easy to treat. Just give your dragon short 15-minute baths to moisten their skin and help rehydrate them. After that, make sure they are drinking enough water and the temperature in their tank is not too high (below 105℉).

If you ignore the dehydration, it can lead to serious health problems. If your bearded dragon has multiple chalky white stools, it’s best to take them to a vet.

On the other hand, if your dragon is only excreting the urate part of their poop, it could mean they are either over-hydrated or have not eaten enough food lately. In both cases, check if they have lost their appetite and offer some food to help.

5. Bearded Dragon Runny Poop

Diarrhea can be a serious issue for bearded dragons because it can cause severe dehydration. The three most common causes of diarrhea in bearded dragons are diet changes, poor diet, and parasites. If not treated promptly, parasites can have a significant impact on your bearded dragon’s health.

If you’ve recently changed your bearded dragon’s diet and notice runny stool, it’s likely a temporary issue that should resolve itself in a few days. However, if you’re feeding your pet foods that are high in fiber, like apples and pumpkin, it can lead to runny stool. To fix this, simply reduce the amount of high fiber foods in their diet. It’s important to remember that vegetables should make up 75% of their diet and fresh fruits and greens are high in water, which can cause your pet to become overly hydrated.

Runny stool can also be a sign of parasites. The most common way for bearded dragons to get parasites is by eating insects that contain them.

Symptoms of a parasitic infection in beardies include:

  • Mucus in the stool
  • Loss of weight
  • Laziness
  • Appetite loss
  • Anorexia
  • The poop has a foul odor.

6. Blood In Bearded Dragon Poop

If you notice red poop, it could be due to something they recently ate, such as raspberries or beets. Don’t worry, this is not blood, but simply a change in the color of their stool.

However, if you do see traces of blood in their poop, this could be a sign of a serious issue such as internal bleeding or parasites. It’s important to take this seriously and monitor their poop for the next few days, even if it only happened once.

Internal bleeding can be caused by sharp objects or bugs inside their intestine. Parasites like Coccidia can also cause intestine damage. If you notice your dragon is lethargic and has lost their appetite, this could be a symptom of a parasitic infection.

It’s crucial to never ignore or dismiss bloody poop. If you suspect your dragon may have internal bleeding or a parasite, take a stool sample to your vet for further evaluation.

Bearded Dragon Poop Chart

Poop colorExplanation
Brown and WhiteNormalThis is what bearded dragon poop should look like.
Chalky WhiteUsually dehydrationMake sure your beardie is properly hydrated.
Red or BloodyDye from red foods or impaction and parasitesMake sure your beardie has no impaction and parasites.
YellowToo much calciumReduce calcium intake.
BlackFeeding too many insectsFeed your beardie more leafy greens.
GreenUsually dye from green foodsStaining from vegetables is normal and still indicates a healthy pet.

How Long Can A Bearded Dragon Go Without Pooping?

If your bearded dragon is healthy and not in brumation, they shouldn’t go more than a week without pooping. Some bearded dragons may go a few weeks without pooping, but this can be painful and is usually an indicator of a health problem.

Here are six common reasons why a bearded dragon might not be pooping:

  1. A poor diet
  2. Parasites
  3. Stress
  4. Lighting
  5. Impaction
  6. Brumation

Typically, bearded dragons will pass poop four or five days after a meal. However, the frequency may vary depending on the age and type of bearded dragon. A poor diet can also cause digestive problems and lead to constipation.

Parasites such as pinworms can cause a complete stop in bowel movements and lead to constipation and cloacitis. Keeping a clean and well-maintained environment can help prevent these issues.

Stress can also cause constipation in bearded dragons. This can be caused by various factors such as improper lighting, water quality or temperature.

It is important to make sure your bearded dragon is receiving the right amount of light every day. Use a UVB bulb with a UV meter to monitor the light levels. After warming up the bulb for about fifteen minutes, aim for a reading of over 100 uW/cm^2.

Along with a UVB bulb, use an infrared bulb for basking and replace both bulbs every six months.

During brumation, bearded dragons tend to go less often as they become less active during this period of cooler temperatures, which can last up to three months.

How to Make Your Bearded Dragon Poop

A bearded dragon who hasn’t had a bowel movement on their normal routine is probably dehydrated, anxious, too cold, or impacted!

All of these causes are worrisome and must be addressed as soon as possible in order to either avoid or fix the impaction. So, when it comes to how to make your bearded dragon poop, there are a few things you can try.

If you’re wondering how to get your bearded dragon to poop, consider the suggestions below!

If nothing works to get your bearded dragon pooping again in 5 days, take it to the nearest veterinarian right away!

Step #1: Hydrate Them

Bearded dragons, like humans, can have difficulty relieving themselves when they are dehydrated. Consider the following to see if your bearded dragon is having trouble pooping due to dehydration…

The urate in dehydrated bearded dragon poop will be chalky and dried, rather than soft. Bearded dragon poop that has been dehydrated should be easy to spot because it will appear drier overall.

As a result, you should drip a few drops on your beardie’s snout for them to lick off as extra hydration.

Step #2: Give Them a Bath

How To Get Your Bearded Dragon To POOP

Warm water can help you not only get your bearded dragon to poop but also get them over their impaction.

The most important thing is to keep your bearded dragon calm because if the bath stresses them out, things will only get worse!

Ensure that the bath is warm but not hot and that it does not rise above their shoulders. Allow them to soak for 15 minutes every day until they relieve themselves. Simply ensure that you are present to supervise at all times.

Step #3: Check Tank Temperatures and UVB

If your bearded dragon is not really getting enough UVB or their tank is too cold, digestion problems are a distinct possibility. 

You’ll want to make sure you have the proper lighting in place, with basking temperatures of 95-105 degrees Fahrenheit for bearded dragons 12 months and older and 105-110 degrees Fahrenheit for babies.

Step #4: Give Them a Special Homemade Laxative

By giving your bearded dragon a few drops (3-4) of olive oil every day, you can help them have a bowel movement. Just make sure it’s olive oil, not vegetable oil, that you give them.

You can also give them a teaspoon (or half for babies) of baby food every day, such as…

Organic sauce (sugar-free) made from apples with water-dilution of pumpkin puree and 1:3 water dilution and 100 percent pure juice. 

What if Your Bearded Dragon is Pooping a Lot?

Keep in mind that what creates “a lot” will vary depending on the age and consistency of your bearded dragon. For example, what appears to be “a lot” for your dragon may be quite normal for another.

Consider the following reasons for your bearded dragon’s excessive pooping…

Reason #1: They’re Stressed

Your bearded dragon may be going to the bathroom more frequently than usual due to stress.

Take into account whether anything outside the tank (a new pet lurking nearby, loud noises, etc.) could be causing them stress. Consider what’s going on inside the tank as well.

Is it possible that uneaten feeders are biting and terrorizing the bearded dragon?

Are the temperatures too low or too high?

Did you recently switch them to a new tank or introduce a new item?

If you suspect that something or someone is stressing out your bearded dragon, you should address the issue right away to avoid escalating health concerns.

Reason #2: They Have Parasites

Parasitic infections are probably the worst-case scenario for why your bearded dragon is pooping so much or being constipated.

Parasites are present in the systems of the majority of bearded dragons. However, these parasites do not always cause problems, and many veterinarians will not consider treatment unless there are obvious health consequences (i.e. lethargy, runny stool, weight loss, etc.). More on bearded dragon parasites.

If your dragon has runny poop or poop that smells strongly, you should collect a fecal sample and schedule an appointment with an experienced herp vet as soon as possible. Your veterinarian will either examine the fecal sample or perform bloodwork to determine the type of parasite present and the best anti-parasitic drug to use.

Reason #3: They’re Pregnant

If you don’t think your bearded dragon is stressed and you’ve sexed them as female, their common bowels could be the result of pregnancy.

If your dragon is eating more than usual, she is most likely preparing to lay her clutch.

Pregnant female bearded dragons may poop more frequently.

As you may or may not be aware, bearded dragon females do not need to mate to become pregnant.

Of course, pregnant females who do not copulate will lay infertile eggs.

You should still provide them with a lay box and take all necessary precautions to ensure that their lay goes smoothly and that their health is not jeopardized.

Here is a guide on how to tell if a bearded dragon is pregnant.

Getting Your Bearded Dragon to Poop During Brumation 

Your bearded dragon will not need poop while brumating unless they take an interest in eating when you wake them up for their weekly bath.

If your bearded dragon eats something during brumation, simply wake them up the next day and soak them in a warm bath for 20 minutes. Continue doing so every day until they have relieved themselves, then reduce to once a week baths.

Why Does Bearded Dragon Poop Smell So Bad?

Before we go any further, it’s important to remember that everyone’s tolerance for smell is different, and what may cause choking in some people may not bother others.

With that said, bearded dragon poop stinks like hell a lot of the time because they either have parasites (which is fairly common) or something they’re eating isn’t agreeing with their stomach.

If you play around with their diet and find that their stool still stinks, I recommend having a fecal sample tested for parasites with your herp vet.


That’s all there is to it! I hope you found this article to be informative and thorough in answering all of your questions about bearded dragon poop. The most important thing to remember about bearded dragon poop is that each bearded dragon’s poop will be unique in terms of frequency and appearance.

Familiarizing yourself with your pet’s poop routine and usual appearance will be the most effective way to spot future abnormalities and, hopefully, take action quick enough to resolve issues such as impaction and parasites.

Filled under: Lizards

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