
How Big Do Ball Pythons Get? (Size and Weight Guide)

If you’re considering bringing a ball python into your life, or if you’re simply curious about their growth patterns, you’ve come to the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the intriguing world of ball python size and weight, providing valuable insights to help you better understand these amazing reptiles.

How Big Do Ball Pythons Get?

Compared to other snakes, ball pythons are thick, stocky snakes that stay short. A fully grown ball python will typically measure between two to five feet. Their size makes them great pets for beginners.

Adult ball pythons exhibit sexual dimorphism, which means there are differences in size and weight between males and females. Let’s take a closer look at the average size and weight for each gender.

Female Ball Pythons Size

Female ball pythons are generally larger and heavier than their male counterparts. Adult females typically reach a length of 3 to 5 feet (91 to 152 cm) and can weigh anywhere from 1,400 to 1,800 grams (49 to 63 ounces).

My largest female ball python, named Cleo, measures an impressive 4.5 feet (137 cm) and weighs about 1,600 grams (56 ounces). She is not only a stunning specimen but also a testament to the power of proper care and nutrition.

Male Ball Pythons Size

Male ball pythons are usually smaller and lighter than females. They typically grow to a length of 2 to 3 feet (61 to 91 cm) and can weigh between 800 and 1,200 grams (28 to 42 ounces).

My male ball python, Apollo, is a healthy 2.5 feet (76 cm) in length and weighs around 1,000 grams (35 ounces). His smaller size doesn’t make him any less captivating, as he has a delightful personality and is always eager to explore his surroundings.

Weight to Age Chart

Here’s a general chart illustrating the typical weight of a ball python at various ages. Keep in mind that individual growth rates can vary, and this chart serves as a rough guide.

AgeMale weight in ounces/ poundsFemale weight in ounces/ pounds
Hatchling 1.6-2.8 ounces1.76-2.8
1 month2.5-3.52.8-3.7
6 months9.7-12.6910.58-12.69
9 months14.10-15.8715.87ounces -1lb 
1 year1.10lbs – 1.76 lbs 1.4 lbs-1.76 lbs
1 ½ years1.32 lbs- 1.98 lbs2.2 lbs- 3.08 lbs
2 years1.76 lbs-2.42 lbs2.64lbs-3.96 lbs
3 years1.98 lbs-2.64 lbs2.64 lbs-4.40 lbs
4+ years1.98 lbs -2.64 lbs4.40 lbs -6.61 lbs

One notable trend in the data is that ball pythons tend to grow more quickly during their first two years of life, after which their growth rate slows down.

Typical Ball Python Growth Rate

The growth rate of a ball python varies between males and females, with females generally experiencing a more rapid growth.

Females typically grow at a rate of approximately one foot per year during their first four years. As they mature, their growth gradually slows down, with most reaching their full size by the age of five.

This rapid growth rate in females can be attributed to their higher postnatal growth rate, which becomes evident within the first three months after hatching.

In contrast, male ball pythons grow at a slower pace, adding around eight inches per year until they reach sexual maturity at around three years old.

It’s important to note that individual growth rates may vary depending on factors such as genetics, diet, and environmental conditions.

1. Hatchling Stage

Hatchling ball pythons are born small but full of potential. They typically measure between 10-16 inches in length and weigh around 50-100 grams.

At this stage, their growth rate is relatively rapid, as they’re busy exploring their new world and learning to navigate their surroundings.

I remember the excitement of watching my first ball python hatchling, Apollo, grow and adapt to his environment. He was so curious and eager to explore his surroundings!

2. Juvenile Stage

As your ball python transitions into the juvenile stage, which usually occurs between six months to a year of age, you’ll notice their growth rate begins to slow down a bit.

During this time, ball pythons typically measure between 20-30 inches in length and weigh around 500-900 grams.

This stage is a critical time for their development, as they continue to refine their hunting and self-defense skills.

3. Adult Stage

Once your ball python reaches the adult stage, which occurs at around three years of age, their growth rate slows down significantly. Adult female ball pythons tend to be larger than males, with females generally reaching lengths of 3-5 feet and males measuring between 2-3 feet.

The average weight for an adult female ball python is around 1,400-1,900 grams, while males typically weigh between 1,000-1,500 grams.

At this stage, ball pythons have fully developed their unique personalities, and it’s a joy to interact with them as they become more comfortable and confident in their environment.

Ball Python Growth Chart

Monitoring your snake’s weight is important, particularly during their first three years of life. Regular weight tracking helps ensure steady growth, maintains a healthy weight range, and prevents obesity.

If your snake’s growth rate surpasses the figures mentioned in the charts below, make sure to verify that their enclosure setup and husbandry practices are appropriate, and they are getting the right amount of food based on their age.

Typically, males are found at the lower end of the weight spectrum outlined in the tables, while females tend to be on the higher end or even surpass it.

As a ball python owner, it’s perfectly acceptable for your snake to weigh more than the average, provided they maintain a healthy body condition. The key is to prevent rapid weight gain and potential obesity.

Assessing a healthy body condition involves examining the overall girth or thickness of your snake. To evaluate their body condition, place your snake with its tail facing you and observe the shape of the thickest part of their body:

Normal Ball Python: A normal, healthy ball python has a well-proportioned body with a rounded, even appearance. The snake’s spine should be visible, but not prominent, and its skin should be smooth and wrinkle-free.

The snake should be active and display a strong feeding response when offered food.

Underweight Ball Python: An underweight ball python will have a more triangular or peaked appearance, with a prominent spine and a thin, tapered body. The snake’s ribs may be visible, and the skin may appear loose or wrinkled.

Underweight snakes might also be less active and show a weak feeding response or refusal to eat.

Overweight Ball Python: An overweight ball python will have a thicker body with a more rounded shape, making the spine less visible. The snake may exhibit “fat rolls” or bulging areas, particularly near the tail base.

Overweight snakes may still be relatively active, but they could experience difficulty moving around their enclosure and may show less interest in food than a snake with a healthy weight.

Obese Ball Python: An obese ball python will have a significantly enlarged, bloated appearance with excessive fat deposits throughout its body. The spine will not be visible, and the snake will display pronounced fat rolls, sometimes causing the skin to stretch and appear shiny.

An obese ball python may have difficulty moving, show labored breathing, and may be prone to various health issues. In severe cases, they may refuse to eat due to discomfort or health complications.

Size by Age

Ball pythons grow in length as they age. As a general guideline, here are the average sizes of ball pythons at different age stages:

AgeMale LengthFemale Length
Hatchling10 to 17 inches
Six Months20 to 27 inches
Nine Months25 to 30 inches25 to 35 inches
One year1.5 to 2 feet2 feet
One and a Half Years2 to 2.5 feet2 to 3 feet
Two Years2 to 3 feet2.5 to 3.5 feet
Three Years2.5 to 3.5 feet3 to 5 feet
Four+ Years2.5 to 3.5 feet4 to 6 feet

Keep in mind that these measurements are approximate and may vary depending on factors such as genetics and overall health.

Weight by Age

The relationship between a ball python’s age and its weight is influenced by various factors, including genetics, gender, and diet.

AgeMale Weight (grams)Female Weight (grams)
Hatchling50 to 80
One Month70 to 10080 to 105
Six Months275 to 360300 to 360
Nine Months400 to 450450 to 470
One year500 to 800650 to 800
One and a Half Years600 to 9001000 to 1400
Two Years800 to 11001200 to 1800
Three Years900 to 12001200 to 2000
Four+ Years900 to 12002000 to 3000

Factors That Influence Their Size


1. Genetic Factors

The genetic makeup of a ball python plays a significant role in determining its size. Different morphs and bloodlines can exhibit variations in size, with some naturally growing larger or smaller than others. When selecting a ball python, it’s essential to research the specific morph or lineage to understand the potential size range.

2. Diet and Feeding Frequency

An appropriate diet and feeding schedule are critical to the healthy growth of your ball python. Offering appropriately sized prey items and maintaining a consistent feeding schedule can significantly impact your snake’s size.

Younger ball pythons typically require more frequent feedings to support their rapid growth, while adults may be fed less often. Overfeeding or underfeeding can lead to health issues and abnormal growth patterns. It’s essential to monitor your snake’s weight and adjust feeding schedules as needed.

3. Other Factors

Several other factors can impact a ball python’s size, such as health issues, temperature, humidity, and husbandry practices. Parasites, infections, and other health problems can hinder growth, so it’s crucial to monitor your snake’s health and seek veterinary care when needed.

Additionally, maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels in the enclosure can promote healthy growth. Good husbandry practices, including a clean environment and regular handling, can also contribute to your snake’s well-being and growth.

How To Weigh A Ball Python

Regular weight checks can help you identify potential health issues, ensure proper growth, and adjust feeding schedules as needed.

Equipment and Tools for Weighing Your Ball Python

To weigh your ball python, you’ll need a digital scale that is both accurate and easy to clean. I recommend using a kitchen scale with a capacity of at least 5 kg (11 lbs) and a sensitivity of 1 gram (0.035 oz).

A scale with a tare function is also useful, as it allows you to zero out the weight of a container before placing your snake inside.

Step-By-Step Guide to Weighing Your Ball Python

  1. Choose a container: Find a suitable container to place your snake in while weighing. A plastic tub or a large deli cup with ventilation holes works well. Make sure the container is clean, secure, and large enough for your snake to fit comfortably inside.
  2. Turn on the scale and tare it: Place the empty container on the scale and press the tare button to zero out its weight.
  3. Gently place your snake in the container: Carefully pick up your ball python, supporting its body evenly, and gently place it inside the container. Make sure your snake is comfortable and not stressed.
  4. Record the weight: Note the weight displayed on the scale, taking care to document the unit of measurement (grams or ounces). Record the date and weight in a dedicated log or spreadsheet for future reference.

I suggest weighing your ball python every two to four weeks, depending on its age and size.

Younger snakes may need more frequent weigh-ins, while adults can be weighed less often.

Keep a log of your snake’s weight and growth progress, either in a notebook or a digital spreadsheet. This will help you identify any sudden weight changes or growth patterns that may warrant further attention.


Understanding the growth rate, size, and weight of your ball python is crucial to providing them with the best care possible. By using the weight to age chart, and ball python growth chart, you can monitor your pet’s development and ensure they are growing at a healthy pace.

In my own experience as a ball python keeper, I’ve found that being attentive to their growth patterns and feeding habits has helped me foster a thriving environment for my scaly friends.

Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to ball python care. By understanding how big your ball python can get and how long it takes for them to grow, you’ll be better equipped to create a comfortable and nurturing environment for your pet. Regularly weighing your ball python is also essential to monitor their health and adjust their care accordingly.

Filled under: Snakes

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