
Crested Gecko Eye Infection: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Crested geckos are known for their unique feature of having long, delicate eyelashes, which has earned them the nickname “eyelash geckos.” However, this distinct feature can make them more susceptible to eye problems and infections.

One common symptom to look out for is swelling around the eyes due to fluid build-up.

In addition, if you notice a discharge coming from your crested gecko’s eyes without any swelling, this could indicate the presence of cataracts or internal eye damage.

In this article, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about crested gecko eye infections, sharing my personal experiences and expertise to help you take the best care of your beloved pet. So, let’s get started!

Symptoms of Crested Gecko Eye Infection

  1. Swelling: One of the first symptoms you may notice is swelling around your gecko’s eyes. The area may appear puffy or enlarged compared to its normal appearance.
  2. Redness: Along with swelling, you might see redness in and around the eye. This is a sign of inflammation and could indicate an infection.
  3. Discharge: Eye infections can cause a discharge from the eyes, which might be clear, cloudy, or even have a yellow or greenish tint. You may notice your gecko’s eyes appear wet or have a crusty buildup around them.
  4. Difficulty in opening eyes: If your crested gecko is having trouble opening its eyes, it could be due to an eye infection. They might keep their eyes closed more often than usual or struggle to open them fully.
  5. Excessive blinking: You may observe your gecko blinking more frequently than usual or squinting its eyes. This could be a sign of discomfort or irritation caused by an eye infection.
  6. Rubbing eyes on enclosure surfaces: If your crested gecko is rubbing its eyes on the surfaces of its enclosure, it might be trying to relieve irritation or discomfort. Keep an eye on this behavior, as it can further damage the eye and worsen the infection.
  7. Changes in appetite or behavior: Infections can cause your crested gecko to feel unwell, which might lead to changes in appetite or behavior. If you notice your gecko is less active, more lethargic, or not eating as much as usual, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue, such as an eye infection.

As a fellow crested gecko enthusiast, I once faced a situation where my gecko, Luna, developed a slight eye infection. I noticed her eyes were swollen and she was blinking more than usual. Fortunately, I was able to catch the signs early and seek appropriate treatment, helping Luna recover quickly.

Causes of Eye Infections in Crested Geckos


1. Poor Husbandry and Hygiene

Proper care and cleanliness are crucial for our crested geckos. Inadequate cleaning of their enclosure can lead to a buildup of harmful bacteria or fungi, which may cause eye infections. Regularly cleaning the habitat and maintaining a clean environment for your gecko is key to preventing infections.

2. Inappropriate Humidity Levels

Crested geckos thrive in a humid environment, but excessive or insufficient humidity can negatively impact their eye health. High humidity can promote bacterial or fungal growth, while low humidity can cause dryness and irritation.

3. Bacterial or Fungal Infections

Sometimes, even with proper husbandry, crested geckos may develop bacterial or fungal infections in their eyes. It’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of infection and consult a veterinarian if you suspect your gecko is affected.

4. Trauma or Injury

Accidents can happen, and our curious crested geckos may injure their eyes by rubbing them against rough surfaces or during a fall. Regularly inspect your gecko’s habitat for any potential hazards and keep a close eye on their behavior to minimize the risk of injury.

5. Foreign Objects or Substrate Materials

Sometimes, eye irritation can result from foreign objects or substrate materials getting into the eye. Choosing appropriate substrates and ensuring your gecko’s enclosure is free of small, sharp objects can help prevent eye irritation and infections.

6. Incomplete Shedding

Their eyes also shed just like the rest of their body. They turn cloudy but then return to their normal transparent state after shedding.

Due to dry living conditions, dead skin might get stuck onto your gecko’s eye and result in an eye infection.

7. Ticks and Mites

Eye infections caused by ticks and mites can take place from sources like food or some substrates. These are the kinds of external parasites that feed on the blood of reptiles and may lead to anemia if found in large quantities.

In severe cases, ticks and mites can get into the tank through food, water, substrates, and more. They can also cause ulcers and clog the respiratory passages of crested geckos if not treated on time.

8. Blocked Tear Duct

In this condition, the tears can’t drain normally, leaving the eyes watery and irritated. This is caused by a partial or complete obstruction in the tear drainage system. This is common in crested geckos as backing up the tear section may lead the tear duct to block.

The fluid in the eye rises and causes irritation that may contain bacteria, which results in a severe eye infection.

9. Ulcers

Eyes infections in crested geckos may be a result of corneal diseases that happen from time to time. If not treated properly, they may lead to trauma and ulcers in the eyes. In severe conditions, the vet will recommend the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and pain medications.

10. Uveitis

The eye inflammation badly affects the middle layers of tissues found in the eyes of crested geckos. In such a condition, your gecko may suffer from swallowing eyes, red eyes, blurred vision, and more.

This condition is not as common in crested geckos as it appears post-hibernation. However, if they are affected by it, it can easily lead to an eye infection.

11. Tumors

Neoplasm is an abnormal growth of cells that are known as tumors. Neoplastic diseases are conditions that cause the growth of tumors. They may occur around the eye of crested geckos and may lead to serious eye infections if not treated properly.

12. Cataract

The eye lens loses some of its elasticity and the ability to focus as we grow older which is why some people start using glasses. This condition is known as Cataract. The same is the case with reptiles like crested geckos.

Apart from old age, systemic diseases can also lead to the lens becoming opaque, causing cataracts and it can lead to blindness. If you suspect that your gecko’s eye issues could be related to cataracts try to look for these symptoms;

  • Sight issues such as not noticing food in front of them
  • Decreased appetite

Treatment Options for Crested Gecko Eye Infections


Consult with a Reptile Veterinarian

First and foremost, if you suspect your gecko has an eye infection, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified reptile veterinarian. They’ll be able to accurately diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan for your pet.

Topical Antibiotic or Antifungal Treatments

Depending on the cause of the infection, your veterinarian may prescribe a topical antibiotic or antifungal medication. Make sure to follow the vet’s instructions carefully and complete the entire course of treatment to ensure the infection is fully eradicated.

Eyedrops or Saline Solution for Rinsing Eyes

To help alleviate discomfort and keep your gecko’s eyes clean, your vet may recommend using a saline solution or gentle, reptile-safe eyedrops. These can be used to rinse away debris and soothe irritation, but remember to follow the recommended dosage and administration guidelines.

Adjusting Enclosure Conditions to Promote Healing

While treating the infection, it’s essential to maintain a clean and stress-free environment for your crested gecko. This means keeping the enclosure clean, maintaining proper humidity levels, and providing a comfortable temperature range. By doing so, you’ll be creating the best conditions for your pet’s recovery.

Surgical Intervention in Severe Cases

In some extreme cases, if the eye infection has progressed significantly, your veterinarian may suggest surgical intervention. This is typically a last resort and will only be recommended if other treatments have been unsuccessful. Always consult with your veterinarian to determine the best course of action for your pet.

Prevention of Eye Infections in Crested Geckos


As a fellow crested gecko owner, I know how important it is to keep our little buddies healthy and happy. Preventing eye infections is crucial, and with a few simple steps, you can ensure that your gecko’s eyes remain clear and infection-free.

Maintaining Proper Enclosure Cleanliness

A clean environment is key to preventing eye infections in crested geckos. Make it a habit to clean and sanitize their enclosure regularly. Remove any waste or leftover food daily, and replace the substrate as needed. Perform a deep clean of the entire enclosure at least once a month, using a reptile-safe cleaner to sanitize the surfaces.

Ensuring Appropriate Humidity Levels

Crested geckos thrive in a humid environment, and maintaining proper humidity levels can help keep their eyes healthy. Aim for a humidity level between 60-80%, with higher levels at night. Use a reliable hygrometer to monitor humidity and mist the enclosure with water daily to maintain these levels. Remember, too much humidity can also cause issues, so make sure there’s proper ventilation for air circulation.

Regular Health Checks and Monitoring for Signs of Infection

Keep an eye on your gecko’s overall health by performing regular health checks. Pay close attention to their eyes, watching for any signs of swelling, redness, or discharge. If you notice any changes, take prompt action and consult with a veterinarian specializing in reptiles.

Choosing the Right Substrate to Avoid Irritation

Selecting the right substrate for your crested gecko’s enclosure is crucial in preventing eye irritation. Avoid using loose substrates, such as sand, as they can easily get into your gecko’s eyes and cause problems. Instead, opt for reptile carpet, paper towels, or coco coir, which are safer options and easier to clean.

Providing a Stress-Free Environment for Your Gecko

A stress-free environment is essential for your gecko’s overall health and well-being. Provide them with plenty of hiding spots, such as cork bark or plants, to help them feel secure. Also, minimize any disturbances by placing their enclosure in a quiet area of your home, away from loud noises or constant activity.


Eye infections in crested geckos can be alarming, but early detection is crucial for a successful recovery. By regularly monitoring your gecko’s health and keeping their environment clean and well-maintained, you’re doing your best to prevent these infections from occurring in the first place.

Remember, if you suspect your crested gecko may be suffering from an eye infection, it’s always best to consult with a reptile veterinarian. They can accurately diagnose the issue and provide the most appropriate treatment to help your gecko get back to its happy, healthy self.

Filled under: Lizards

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