
Can Crested Geckos Live Together? (Cohabitation Explained)

As a reptile enthusiast, you have likely wondered, “Can crested geckos live together?” Such questions are common among our readership and for good reason. Crested geckos, like any other creatures, have their unique set of behavioral patterns and social dynamics. In this post, we’ll be discussing these aspects, providing an understanding of whether and how crested geckos can cohabit, and what factors influence their cohabitation.

Can Crested Geckos Be Housed Together?

Crested Geckos can be kept in pairs or small groups under certain conditions. Only females should be kept together. Same-sex pairs of female Crested Geckos generally cohabit well, displaying little to no aggression. Multiple females can share a space with one male. Introducing a single male into a group of females is permissible and usually leads to minimal territorial disputes.

Multiple male Crested Geckos should never be housed together in the same enclosure. Male geckos are naturally territorial, and keeping more than one in a shared space could lead to dangerous fights, especially in the presence of a female. The only exception could be an extremely large enclosure with no females present, but even then, it’s not recommended due to the inherent risk of conflict.

What Works When Keeping Crested Geckos Together?

Combination of Crested GeckosCan They Be Housed Together?Comments
Two or More FemaleYesGenerally safe but monitor for signs of stress due to dominance hierarchy.
One Male and One FemaleYesLikely to result in offspring. Separate after birth for female recovery.
One Male and Several FemalesYesOptimal number in one enclosure should not exceed three for a harmonious environment.
Baby Crested GeckosYesSafe until they reach sexual maturity. Ensure they are approximately the same size to avoid bullying or cannibalism.

Two or More Female Crested Geckos

It’s generally safe to house multiple female crested geckos together. However, there are few behavioral dynamics you should be aware of.

In groups of three female crested geckos, one becomes dominant, while the other two become submissive. This pattern is a natural hierarchy among crested geckos and does not generally result in conflict or harm. However, make sure to keep a watchful eye on your geckos to ensure that the submissive ones aren’t being stressed or bullied.

Many keepers have observed an interesting phenomenon with their pairs of female crested geckos. They seem to prefer occupying the same or nearby spaces. While it isn’t entirely clear why this happens, there are two prevailing theories:

  1. Preference for Each Other’s Company: One theory suggests that these geckos genuinely enjoy each other’s company and choose to stay close together as a result.
  2. Similar Environmental Requirements: The other theory suggests that the geckos don’t necessarily prefer each other’s company but are seeking out the same environmental requirements simultaneously.

Regardless of the reason, it’s a behavior that many keepers have observed and further confirms that housing female crested geckos together is typically a safe practice.

One of the primary concerns many keepers have when housing geckos together is the potential for conflict or fights. In the case of female crested geckos, however, conflict seems to be rare. Females aren’t generally likely to fight when housed in groups of two or more. This is another encouraging indicator that housing multiple female crested geckos together can be done successfully.

One Male and One Female Crested Geckos

Yes, one male and one female crested gecko can be housed together safely. However, it is essential to understand that this pairing will likely result in offspring. So, if you’re not prepared for baby geckos, you might want to reconsider.

After the female has given birth, make sure to separate her from the male. Because the female crested gecko needs a recovery period. Post-birth is a physically taxing time for the female and the last thing she needs is the male chasing her around, trying to breed again.

By separating the two, you can provide the female gecko with a much-needed time to cool down and recover. This is not just a precautionary measure. It’s a vital step to ensure the well-being of the female gecko. It’s the responsible thing to do, showcasing your expertise and authoritativeness in crested gecko care.

One Male and Several Female Crested Geckos

Yes, one male, and several female crested geckos can cohabitate in the same enclosure. In fact, if your intention is to breed crested geckos, this arrangement is the recommended combination.

However, to ensure a harmonious coexistence, the optimal number to keep in one enclosure should not exceed three. This limit helps to maintain a balance, reducing territorial disputes and promoting a peaceful environment for your geckos.

This setup does not only deter confrontations, but it also encourages successful breeding. With one male and two females in the enclosure, you’ll observe a lot of breeding activity. This is beneficial for those interested in breeding crested geckos, but what makes it more advantageous is that it allows the females to experience cooldown periods without the need to be removed from the enclosure.

Baby Crested Geckos

Yes, baby crested geckos can live together without any trouble, until they are sexually mature. When housing baby crested geckos in groups, make sure that they are approximately the same size. Cohabitation of geckos of significantly varying sizes can lead to bullying or even cannibalism.

As they mature and become sexually active, new dynamics come into play. Males in particular, due to their territorial and competitive nature, are likely to engage in fights. These altercations are not only stressful for the animals involved, but they can also lead to serious physical harm or even death.

What Doesn’t Works When Keeping Crested Geckos Together?

Combination of Crested GeckosCan They Be Housed Together?Comments
Multiple MalesNoMales will fight for dominance leading to stress and potentially serious injuries.
A Baby and AdultNoBaby crested gecko will struggle for food and other resources.

Multiple Male Crested Geckos

Never house multiple male crested geckos in the same enclosure. Crested Geckos, like many reptile species, have a hierarchical social structure. When two or more males are placed in the same enclosure, they naturally fight for dominance. This competitive behavior can result in aggressive displays and, in many cases, physical fights that could lead to serious injuries or stress.

The stress caused by this constant need to assert dominance can significantly impact the gecko’s health and lifespan. It may lead to a loss of appetite, decreased activity, and even manifest as physical signs like a lack of color vibrancy.

A Baby and Adult Crested Gecko

Housing a baby and an adult crested gecko together is strongly discouraged. The main reasons for this are size disparity, competition for resources, and the potential for unwanted stress on the younger gecko.

Risks of Housing Multiple Crested Geckos Together

The idea of housing multiple crested geckos together might seem appealing for different reasons, such as space utilization or the possibility of observing social behaviors. However, it comes with substantial risks that must be carefully considered.

Conflict and Fighting

When more than one crested gecko shares the same territory, it’s almost inevitable that disputes will occur. While some might view these encounters as harmless or ‘playful’, they are, in fact, potential breeding grounds for aggressive behaviors that can cause severe harm or even death.

Here are a few points to consider about fighting among crested geckos:

  • Territorial Disputes: Crested geckos are solitary creatures by nature and can become fiercely territorial when forced to share space. This may lead to constant fights over territory, leaving some geckos injured or overly stressed.
  • Unequal Resource Distribution: In a cohabitation setting, stronger or more dominant geckos may hoard food and other resources, leading to malnourishment of their cage mates.
  • Physical Harm: The aggressive confrontations between geckos may lead to physical injuries such as bites, tail loss, or in extreme cases, even death.


Though shocking to some, cannibalism is another critical risk that arises when housing crested geckos together. This horrifying behavior, though relatively rare, has been observed under conditions of extreme stress or food scarcity.

Key considerations around cannibalism in crested geckos include:

  • Size Discrepancy: Larger geckos may see smaller cage mates as potential prey, leading to instances of cannibalism. Therefore, housing geckos of significantly different sizes together is highly discouraged.
  • Extreme Stress or Starvation: In desperate circumstances, geckos may resort to cannibalism as a survival mechanism.
  • Harmful Impact: Aside from the obvious harm to the victim, the gecko performing the act may also suffer digestive issues due to ingesting large or indigestible parts of another gecko.

How to Successfully Keep Crested Geckos in Pairs

When it comes to keeping crested geckos in pairs, it’s crucial to ensure their living arrangements are both suitable and safe. By following the following guidelines, you can increase the chances of successfully keeping crested geckos in pairs.

1. Only Pick Safe Pairs

First and foremost, you should only pair crested geckos that are compatible. It’s generally safer to pair females together, as males can become territorial and aggressive. A male and female pair may lead to continuous breeding, which can stress the female. Always make sure to monitor the behavior of your geckos when first introduced, and separate them if signs of aggression are shown.

2. Create The Largest Enclosure You Can

Space is key when housing multiple crested geckos. The enclosure should be large enough to allow each gecko to have their own territory. A minimum of 20 gallons is recommended for a pair, but if you have the space, a larger enclosure will help reduce the potential for stress and territorial disputes.

3. Pick Lizards of a Similar Size

Crested geckos of a similar size are less likely to intimidate or bully each other. Therefore, ensure that your pair or group of crested geckos are approximately the same size. This reduces the risk of one becoming dominant and causing stress to the other(s).

4. Create Multiple Basking and Shedding Areas

To prevent competition and stress, ensure there are multiple basking and shedding areas in the enclosure. Each gecko should have its own area where it can bask and shed without being disturbed by the other.

5. Build a Bioactive Enclosure

A bioactive enclosure is a self-cleaning, self-maintaining setup that incorporates live plants and cleanup crews (such as springtails and isopods). It’s an excellent way to reduce cleanup and ensure a healthy environment for your crested gecko pairs or groups.

6. Weigh Crested Geckos Regularly

Regularly weighing your geckos is an excellent way to monitor their health. Sudden weight loss can be an indication of stress or illness. This practice is even more important when geckos are housed together, as it can help you quickly spot if one is outcompeting the other for food or if one is unwell.

7. Provide Plenty of Food

Lastly, make sure there’s ample food for all your crested geckos. This avoids competition and ensures all geckos get their nutritional needs met. If you’re feeding insects, a good rule of thumb is to provide as many insects as each gecko can eat in 15 minutes.

Crested Gecko Cohabitation FAQs

Can tree frogs and crested geckos live together?

No, crested geckos and frogs cannot live together. The primary reason why these two cannot live together is because of their diverse environmental needs. Crested geckos, native to New Caledonia, thrive in environments with temperatures ranging from 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity level of about 70%. On the contrary, tree frogs, originating from a variety of habitats, may require different temperature and humidity ranges.

Can crested geckos and leopard geckos live together?

Crested geckos and leopard geckos should not live together. Each species has specific, unique care requirements that are incompatible with the other. Crested geckos (Correlophus ciliatus) and leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) have significantly different origins. Crested geckos are native to New Caledonia, a tropical rainforest environment. Conversely, leopard geckos are from arid regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Can crested geckos and tree frogs live together?

No, tree frogs and crested geckos should not be housed together. Crested geckos are native to New Caledonia and are accustomed to a temperate, humid environment. They prefer temperatures between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. On the other hand, tree frogs, depending on the species, may require a more tropical environment and different temperature ranges. The overlap, if any, may not provide the most comfortable living conditions for both species. This alone presents a significant challenge to cohabitation.

Can pink tongue skink and crested gecko live together?

Crested geckos and pink tongue skinks should not live together. These two species have distinct habitat requirements that can’t be reconciled within a single enclosure. The Pink Tongue Skink is a terrestrial creature that thrives in a more humid environment compared to the Crested Gecko’s arboreal habitat. This crucial difference makes it nearly impossible to cater to both their needs in a shared space.

Can crested geckos and chameleons live together?

Chameleons and crested geckos have distinctly different habitat requirements. Chameleons are arboreal, meaning they thrive in tree-like environments with plenty of vertical space. They need high humidity levels and basking spots. Crested geckos, on the other hand, prefer lower temperatures and a balance of humidity, requiring environments with ample hiding spots and foliage.

Can crested and gargoyle geckos live together?

Crested Geckos are known to be docile and friendly, whereas Gargoyle Geckos can be more territorial. The potential for conflicts and stress resulting from these contrasting dispositions can lead to a detrimental living environment. Moreover, both species require slightly different care requirements. For instance, Gargoyle Geckos prefer lower temperatures compared to Crested Geckos. Such differences in environmental needs make cohabitation problematic.

Can bearded dragons and crested geckos live together?

Bearded dragons originate from arid deserts while crested geckos hail from humid forests. Their habitat requirements are diametrically opposed; any attempt to create a one-size-fits-all environment is destined to lead to the discomfort of one or both species.

Can anoles and crested geckos live together?

Anoles and Crested Geckos have distinctly different environmental needs. While Anoles thrive in warmer, humid environments, Crested Geckos prefer cooler, moderate humidity conditions. Attempting to cohabit these species could result in discomfort or health risks for either or both creatures.

Filled under: Lizards

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