
Are Crested Geckos Good Pets (Pros and Cons of Created Gecko)

Crested Geckos originally hail from New Caledonia, a group of islands located northeast of Australia. They are one of the most popular pet lizards in the world. Many beginner reptile owners often wonder if these incredible creatures make good pets. In this post, we will talk about the pros and cons of crested geckos and pets. At the end of this post, you will be in a position to decide if a crested gecko is the right pet for you.

Natural Habitat Characteristics

LocationNew Caledonia
ClimateTropical, high humidity
TerrainDense rainforest with vertical structures
PredatorsBirds, larger reptiles, and sometimes mammals

Unique Features and Characteristics

One cannot discuss the Crested Gecko without emphasizing its distinct physical attributes:

  • Crested Eyelids: Their name itself is derived from the soft, hair-like projections found above their eyes resembling eyelashes.
  • Tail Autotomy: Crested geckos possess the ability to drop their tail to escape predators. Unlike other geckos, once lost, this tail doesn’t regenerate.
  • Sticky Pads: Their toes and the tip of their tails have specialized scales that allow them to stick to and climb surfaces with remarkable agility.

Adopting any pet, especially one as distinct as the Crested Gecko, demands a long-term commitment. These geckos, under proper care, can thrive and live up to 15 to 20 years in captivity.

Why Crested Geckos Make Good Pets

Crested geckos are not just another pet choice—they’re an exceptional one. There are multiple undeniable reasons why these reptiles stand out as an optimal choice for many pet enthusiasts.

1. Suitable for Beginners

Undoubtedly, crested geckos are among the most beginner-friendly reptiles available. Their care requirements are straightforward, and anyone—from seasoned reptile keepers to complete novices—can quickly grasp the essentials.

Crested geckos adapt to a variety of conditions. This means a less stressful experience for new reptile owners, as these geckos are tolerant of minor errors in their care.

Care Requirements for Beginners

RequirementLevel of DifficultyNote
FeedingEasyPrimarily consists of commercial crested gecko diet
HabitatModerateEnsure proper humidity and climbing structures
HandlingEasyGentle temperament makes them handleable, though always exercise caution

2. Appearance and Variety

One cannot merely overlook the aesthetic appeal of crested geckos. Their vibrant patterns and distinguishing crests make them a centerpiece in any home.

With types ranging from the mesmerizing harlequin crested gecko to the captivating eyelash crested gecko, there’s a style for everyone’s preference.

Their semi-prehensile tail and iconic “eyelashes” set them apart, asserting their unique position in the reptile world.

3. Minimal Noise and Odor

Let’s face it: peace is paramount. Crested geckos are the epitome of quiet and low-odor pets, making them ideal for various living situations.

Unlike dogs or birds, you won’t be dealing with loud calls or barks.

Maintain a clean terrarium, and you’ll rarely, if ever, face any issues with unpleasant smells.

4. Low Maintenance

Time is of the essence, and crested geckos respect that. They predominantly rely on a commercial crested gecko diet, which simplifies feeding routines.

Regular misting and basic cleaning are the primary habitat maintenance tasks. It’s that simple.

Given the right room temperature, there’s no need for additional heating solutions.

Considerations Before Owning a Crested Gecko

1. A Long-Term Commitment

You must recognize that when you bring a crested gecko into your life, you’re making a long-term commitment. These reptiles can live anywhere from 15 to 20 years in captivity with proper care. This isn’t a short-lived goldfish or a houseplant; it’s a creature that will be with you for potentially two decades. Consider if you’re prepared for such a commitment.

2. Special Care Needs

Crested geckos require specific conditions to thrive. It’s not as simple as getting a terrarium and leaving them to their own devices. Here’s what you absolutely need to provide:

  • Temperature Regulation: They prefer temperatures between 72°F to 78°F during the day and a slight drop at night. You may require specialized heating equipment to maintain this.
  • Humidity Control: Crested geckos need a relative humidity of 50% to 70%. Daily misting might be essential, especially in drier climates.
  • Diet: While they can survive on a commercial crested gecko diet, adding variety with live insects and fruits will ensure optimal health and satisfaction.

3. Not Always Cuddly

Let’s be clear: Crested geckos are not like traditional pets. Even though they can be handled, they might not always seek your affection.

  • Handling: Limit the time you handle them to prevent stress, especially during the initial days.
  • Temperament: Each gecko is unique. Some may be more tolerant of handling, while others may prefer to be left alone.
  • Escape Artists: Crested geckos are known for their climbing ability. Ensure their enclosure is escape-proof to prevent any unwanted adventures.


If you’re looking for a low-maintenance reptile that brings a blend of natural beauty and intriguing behavior, the crested gecko stands out. Their adaptability to various environments and the relatively simple care they require make them especially appealing to first-time reptile owners.

However, as with any pet, commitment is non-negotiable. Before taking the leap, ensure you’re prepared for their lifespan and occasional special care needs. The more informed and prepared you are, the better your experience will be, and the happier your crested gecko will thrive.

A crested gecko offers a unique pet ownership experience, one that is rewarding and educational. Make an informed choice, and you might just find a fascinating companion in these gentle reptiles.

Filled under: Lizards

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