
Crested Gecko Poop 101: Common Issues and Solutions

As a crested gecko keeper, I know that the subject of poop isn’t typically the highlight of our discussions, but let’s face it – poop matters! Understanding the nuances of your pet’s poop is essential to diagnose any health issues almost immediately.

Within this post, we will cover what normal crested gecko poop should look like, the frequency of their bowel movements, and the critical factors that could affect this. We’ll discuss how to clean up after your crested gecko, and yes, we’ll also tackle the peculiar instances when your pet might choose to poop on you.

What Does Crested Gecko Poop Look Like?

Crested gecko poop typically consists of two distinct parts: a dark brown or black solid part (the fecal matter), and a smaller, usually white or off-white part, which is the urate, essentially a solid form of urine. This combined form is a normal occurrence and an efficient way for crested geckos to expel waste.

However, if you’re a baby crested gecko owner, don’t be alarmed by the size of your little one’s waste. It tends to be smaller in size and lighter in color than that of an adult. As the gecko matures, the poop will gradually darken and increase in size.

Meaning Of Different Colors Of Crested Gecko Poop


As a crestie owner, it is important to familiarize yourself with the various signs and signals your pet gives you. One of the most telling signs of your crested gecko’s health is the color of their poop. You can use this as a primary source of information about your pet’s health.

Brown To Dark Brown

This is the normal color for crested gecko poop. If the feces are firm and brown to dark brown, you can be confident that your crestie’s diet and digestion are on track. The food they consume, usually a combination of crested gecko diet formula, fruits, and insects, results in this coloration.


A green color in your crested gecko’s poop can be a cause for concern. Green feces might indicate that your pet has consumed an excess of green veggies, or it could be a sign of a parasitic infection. If the green color persists, it’s a clear signal that it’s time to contact a reptile vet.

Black Or Very Dark Brown

When your crestie’s poop is black or extremely dark brown, it could be a sign of dehydration or overfeeding. Crested geckos need to maintain a proper balance in their diet, and any imbalance can reflect in their poop. A one-off occurrence shouldn’t alarm you, but if it’s consistent, your crested gecko might need a diet adjustment or increased hydration.

Red Or Pink

Red or pink poop can be alarming, and rightfully so. This could potentially indicate blood in the feces, suggesting internal bleeding or issues with the digestive tract. In such situations, consult a vet immediately.


Don’t be alarmed if you see white in your crested gecko’s poop. This is simply their urates, akin to their version of pee. However, if the white part is hard or chalky, it might signal dehydration, a common issue in crested geckos that should be addressed promptly.

To help you quickly identify the potential issues related to the color of your crested gecko’s poop, here’s a quick reference table:

ColorMeaningAction Required
Brown/Dark BrownNormal digestionNo action required
GreenPossible parasitic infectionConsult a vet
Black/Dark BrownOverfeeding or DehydrationAdjust diet or hydration
Red/PinkPossible internal bleedingConsult a vet immediately
WhiteNormal urates, possibly dehydrated if hardEnsure proper hydration

Remember, the colors listed above are general guidelines, and while they can give you an idea of your pet’s health, always consult with a reptile vet if you notice any persistent changes or if your pet shows signs of discomfort.

Why Is My Crested Gecko’s Poop Runny?

A healthy crested gecko’s poop is not usually runny. It should be firm, much like that of a small bird’s droppings. If you observe your crested gecko producing runny feces, it’s a clear sign that something might be amiss with your pet’s health.

Potential Causes

Let’s delve into the common causes that might lead to your crested gecko’s poop becoming runny:

  1. Diet: A crucial factor affecting the consistency of your gecko’s poop is its diet. Crested geckos are omnivores, and their diet typically includes fruits, vegetables, and insects. Overfeeding or feeding your pet a diet that is too rich can lead to loose stools.
  2. Parasites: Unfortunately, parasites are a common health issue in reptiles. If your crecked gecko has loose poop, it might be due to a parasite infestation.
  3. Stress: Just like in humans, stress can negatively impact a gecko’s digestive system, causing runny poop. Factors that can lead to stress include a poorly set up terrarium, sudden changes in temperature, or aggressive tank mates.
  4. Illness: Certain illnesses, like bacterial or fungal infections, can also cause loose stools in crested geckos.

Effective Solutions

To address runny poop in crested geckos, consider the following solutions:

  • Diet Adjustment: Reevaluate your crested gecko’s diet. Ensure you are not overfeeding them and that their diet is not overly rich. Remember, balance is key.
  • Parasite Treatment: If you suspect a parasite infestation, it’s crucial to take your gecko to a veterinarian. They will likely conduct a fecal examination to confirm the presence of parasites and prescribe appropriate treatment.
  • Stress Management: Minimize stress for your gecko by providing a properly set up terrarium with appropriate temperature and humidity levels. Also, monitor the behavior of any other creatures in the same tank.
  • Veterinary Intervention: If diet adjustments and stress management don’t improve your gecko’s condition, or if your pet exhibits other symptoms of illness, you should promptly consult with a vet.

How Often Do Crested Geckos Poop?

In general, adult crested geckos usually defecate once a day, but this may vary based on diet, hydration, and temperature. Now, as for baby crested geckos, due to their rapid growth and metabolism, they tend to poop more often, sometimes even multiple times a day.

Remember, each gecko is unique, and normal bowel movements can vary from gecko to gecko. As a responsible pet owner, take note of your crested gecko’s usual schedule and look out for any significant changes, which could potentially indicate a health issue.

Interestingly, crested geckos have a rather peculiar habit when it comes to their poop – they often choose a specific spot in their enclosure to defecate, turning it into their personal latrine. This behavior, known as latrine behavior, is believed to be a mechanism to avoid attracting predators in the wild by limiting the spread of their scent.

Worms In Crested Gecko Poop

In general, worms in crested gecko poop can appear as tiny, wriggling threads, or as still, rice-like segments. Sometimes, they might even appear like a white dust or powder over the feces. If you spot any of these signs, it’s time to take action.

It’s important to understand that the presence of worms usually points to a parasitic infection. The most common culprits include:

  • Roundworms: These are long, thin worms that can cause a host of health issues.
  • Pinworms: Smaller and harder to spot, but just as harmful.
  • Tapeworms: These parasites appear as rice-like segments and are typically ingested through infected prey.

Worms can cause various symptoms in your crested gecko, such as loss of appetite, weight loss, dehydration, and lethargy. If left untreated, these parasitic infections can even lead to more serious issues.

Actionable Steps: Treatment and Prevention

Armed with knowledge, here are the steps you can take to solve this problem:

  1. Confirm The Presence Of Worms: If you suspect worms, the first step is to get a definitive diagnosis. This typically involves a fecal exam conducted by a vet. This step is crucial as the correct treatment hinges on identifying the type of worm.
  2. Administer Appropriate Medication: Once the parasite is identified, your vet will prescribe specific deworming medication. This could range from oral medications to injections, depending on the severity of the infection.
  3. Keep Hygiene In Check: Regular cleaning of your gecko’s enclosure is paramount. This not only helps eliminate any existing parasites but also prevents future infestations.
  4. Check The Food Source: Feed your crested gecko a clean, safe diet. If you’re feeding them live insects, ensure these are from a reliable source to avoid introducing parasites.
  5. Follow Up Care: Post-treatment, make sure to conduct follow-up fecal tests to ensure that the parasites are completely gone.

Crested Gecko Poop Smell

Crested gecko feces, naturally, does have an odor. However, it is generally mild and not overly offensive. Here’s a quick comparison:

Normal SmellUnusual Smell
MildStrong or foul
Non-persistentPersistent even after cleanup

Should you find your crested gecko’s waste veering towards the “unusual smell” column, don’t panic. It’s time to look closer.

Possible Causes of Unusual Smell

Understanding what influences the smell of your crested gecko’s poop is paramount. Various factors can contribute to an unusually strong or foul odor:

  • Diet: Changes in diet or low-quality food can impact poop smell. Stick to recommended diets and high-quality products for your gecko.
  • Hygiene: Infrequent terrarium cleaning can intensify poop smells. Regular clean-ups and sanitization are critical.
  • Health Issues: Parasitic infections or other health problems can result in foul-smelling poop. If suspected, seek immediate veterinary advice.

Solving the Smelly Situation

Overcoming the issue of unusually smelly crested gecko poop is a matter of addressing the causes. Here are my recommendations:

  • Maintain a balanced diet: Ensure your crested gecko is receiving all necessary nutrients from high-quality sources. This not only affects their overall health but can also normalize poop smell.
  • Keep their habitat clean: Regularly clean your gecko’s terrarium to remove waste promptly and prevent buildup.
  • Consult a vet if needed: Don’t hesitate to contact a professional if you suspect a health problem.

Remember, it’s perfectly normal for crested gecko poop to have a smell, but it should never be overpoweringly foul. Understanding what is normal and what indicates potential problems is essential for maintaining the health of your beloved pet.

Crested Gecko Pooping Blood

There are several potential reasons why a crested gecko might be passing blood in its stool, and it’s essential that owners know how to identify and handle these situations. Let’s break it down for you:

Common Causes

1. Dietary issues: Sometimes, blood in a Crested Gecko’s poop can be a result of its diet. They may have consumed something that caused internal injury or irritation. For example, food that’s too large, too hard, or even toxic plants could be responsible.

2. Parasitic Infections: Internal parasites, such as pinworms or coccidia, can cause irritation and bleeding in the intestinal tract. If left untreated, these infections can be severe.

3. Dehydration: Just like in humans, a dehydrated gecko can experience constipation, leading to bloody stool due to strain.

4. Internal injury or disease: Trauma to the intestinal tract or diseases like metabolic bone disease could lead to blood in the stool.

Possible Solutions

Now that we know the causes, let’s talk about solutions. Remember, immediate action is crucial.

1. Dietary Adjustment:

  • If you suspect a dietary issue, first, make sure you remove any toxic plants from their habitat.
  • Resize the food to ensure it’s not too big for your gecko to digest.

2. Veterinary Assistance:

  • If a parasitic infection is suspected, seek immediate veterinary assistance. Your vet can run fecal tests and provide the appropriate medication if needed.

3. Hydration:

  • If dehydration seems to be the cause, try to encourage your gecko to drink more water. You can do this by misting their habitat more frequently and providing fresh water.

4. Medical Intervention:

  • If you suspect internal injury or disease, again, it’s crucial to reach out to a vet. They can perform necessary scans or tests to identify the issue and provide proper treatment.

Why is My Crested Gecko’s Poop White or Hairy?

First and foremost, if you’re noticing that your crested gecko’s poop appears white or hairy, don’t panic. The white part of the feces is urates, a byproduct of protein metabolism, quite similar to how mammals excrete urea in their urine. It’s perfectly normal and a sign that your crested gecko is properly hydrated.

Now, if the white part seems too bright or unusually large, it may signal dehydration or a high-protein diet. Try offering more water or balancing their diet with foods that are lower in protein.

As for the hairy aspect, this could be due to indigestible fibers from the gecko’s diet or substrate in the enclosure. Make sure to check the ingredients of your gecko’s food and ensure the substrate isn’t something they can ingest easily.

Do Crested Geckos Eat their Poop?

Observing your crested gecko eating its poop can indeed be alarming. However, while not common, this can occasionally happen. Geckos might ingest their poop if they lack certain nutrients or minerals in their diet or if they’re accidentally consuming it while eating.

That said, this isn’t a behavior you should ignore. Constant consumption of feces could potentially lead to parasitic infections. If you observe this habit regularly, consult with a reptile-savvy vet and reassess your gecko’s diet to ensure they are getting the necessary nutrients.

Why Does Your Crested Gecko Poop on You?

If your crested gecko poops on you, you are not alone. The first thing to understand is that this is not a sign of dislike or a targeted action. Crested geckos do not hold grudges. Instead, it’s a natural behavior tied to their instinctual need to feel safe.

When a gecko is held, they may feel vulnerable and thus, evacuate their bowels as a defensive mechanism to lighten their load for a faster escape. Providing ample out-of-cage time in a secure environment can help reduce this behavior. However, should it occur, gently clean the area with pet-safe wipes and continue handling as usual.

How to Clean Crested Gecko Poop?

Crested geckos, like all animals, excrete waste. It’s a natural and essential process, albeit a bit unpleasant for the caretakers. However, cleaning up their poop promptly is important. To do this effectively, invest in a good pair of disposable gloves and a reptile-friendly disinfectant.

The moment you notice the poop, remove it using a tissue or a soft cloth. Then, use the disinfectant to clean the area thoroughly. Make sure to do a final wipe with a water-dampened cloth to remove any residue. Remember, the speed of your response can mean the difference between a clean, healthy habitat and a breeding ground for bacteria.

Occasionally, your crested gecko might get poop on its skin. In such cases, gently clean it off with a soft, damp cloth. Do not scrub or apply too much pressure as this can harm their sensitive skin. Instead, use soft, gentle strokes until the poop is entirely removed.

Do crested geckos poop a lot? How often should they poop?

The frequency of your crested gecko’s poop largely depends on their diet, age, and overall health. A healthy adult crested gecko typically poops once every one to two days. However, younger geckos or those consuming a rich diet might poop more frequently. It’s essential to observe your pet’s habits and consult a reptile vet if you notice any significant changes.

What insects eat crested gecko poop?

Interestingly, certain insects, particularly isopods and springtails, are known to consume crested gecko feces. They are often introduced into terrariums as part of a bioactive setup, effectively acting as clean-up crews. These insects help in decomposing the feces and maintaining a cleaner and healthier environment for your crested gecko.

How to get your crested gecko to poop if it seems to be having trouble?

If you notice your crested gecko struggling to poop, it might be experiencing constipation – a condition often caused by low temperatures, improper diet, or dehydration. In such cases, slightly increasing the terrarium’s temperature, providing hydration through misting or a water dish, and incorporating softer, easy-to-digest food can help. But remember, it’s always best to consult a vet if the issue persists.

What to do when your crested gecko poops?

Upon discovering that your crested gecko has pooped, you should promptly clean it up to maintain hygiene and prevent any potential health issues. Use a tissue or a reptile-safe scoop to remove the feces, and sanitize the area using a reptile-friendly disinfectant. Keeping a clean environment is key to the overall health and well-being of your crested gecko.

Filled under: Lizards

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